ITM Thai Hand Berlin offers the following Professional Advanced Courses:

Level III


Level III: Advanced Sen – Energy Lines (30 hours)

Prerequisite: ITM Level I and II

  • In-depth knowledge of the 10 major energy lines (SEN) and their application combined with the movements learned in Level I and II.

  • Learn the Theory of SEN and compare them with the fourteen meridians (Chinese medicine), Nadi (Indian Yoga) and Reiki.

  • Additional advanced yoga like stretching positions to open and activate the SEN.

  • Advanced deep-focused abdominal (Hara) work.


Preis / Price: € 590,-

(inclusive diploma, all the lessons and didactic material

-all in English and with pictures of the positions)


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate approved and authorised by ITM (International Training Massage School of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand), the best Thai massage school of Thailand. acknowledged by the Department of Health and Education of Thailand. After level 3, you can of course proceed to the next level we teach. We are a franchise of ITM, that is why our certifications and didactic material comes from Thailand.
If you can not make it to a lesson during the course, you can always follow another lesson, once you start the course, you can come as many times (without extra costs) as you like and do the whole course as many times as you like, so we are sure that everyone has enough time to learn Thai massage.

Level IV


Level IV: Advanced Therapeutic Thai Massage (30 hours)

Prerequisite: ITM Level I, II and III

  • This course examines the therapeutic aspects of Thai Massage.

  • Learn advanced techniques of applying pressure using thumbs, palms and fingers.

  • Study acupressure points to relieve ailments such as headache, back pain, knee pain, shoulder/neck pain caused by various conditions of physical and mental stress.

  • Learn how to work properly on the acupressure points and how to combine them in a Thai Massage for effective healing.


Preis / Price: € 590,-

(inclusive diploma, all the lessons and didactic material

-all in English and with pictures of the positions)


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate approved and authorised by ITM (International Training Massage School of Chiang Mai, northern Thailand), the best Thai massage school of Thailand. acknowledged by the Department of Health and Education of Thailand. We are a franchise of ITM, that is why our certifications and didactic material comes from Thailand.
If you can not make it to a lesson during the course, you can always follow another lesson, once you start the course, you can come as many times (without extra costs) as you like and do the whole course as many times as you like, so we are sure that everyone has enough time to learn Thai massage.


Thai Hand – “Learning the ancient way to be healthy”